Warm Cookies Puzzle Trunk

Idea From: Warm Cookies Of The Revolution, Keli Sequoia, Justin Hicks

Built By: Justin Hicks, Keli Sequoia, Lindsay Senior

Materials: Vintage Trunk, Various Toys and Gadgets, Plastic Tubing

Warm Cookies Of The Revolution is a civic health club serving Colorado as a means of getting information out to the public and supporting healthy discourse on important topics that effect everyone. In this mission, they created a program to help educate students and adults alike about Participatory Budgeting and how it could work in our local government. What Warm Cookies does best is making sure their programs are boring downloads of information, and they instead host activities or get local artists involved, making it entertaining to participate. They approached us with the idea of creating ‘a machine with a soul.’ Essentially, that wanted us to make a fun contraption they could take with them to functions, that could be used to help explain the participatory budgeting process, but more importantly, be a fun puzzle to for attendees to solve. We decided to take an old traveller trunk and retro fit it with valves and puzzles. The puzzles would open the valves, allowing water to flow from the reservoir down into a collector that would activate the prize. Sound easy? Some puzzles can be tricky and take teamwork to solve. The trunk is still making some appearances at Warm Cookies events.


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